Designing Your Own Game
If you were shopping for a new car, you wouldn’t just purchase the first one off the lot just because the consumer reports gave it the highest ratings. Would you? You might do some research and test drive a few before making a decision. By that point, you should have a pretty good idea what color, model, and features you want to be driving around with. Perhaps cars are not important to you. Assume you’re searching for a new home or a mate. Imagine choosing something that is significant to you.
Now, take those elements and direct them towards your pool game. This may sound silly, but if pool is important to you, why wouldn’t you put as much thought and consideration into designing that game as you would when designing a new home? Developing YOUR pool game deserves as much attention as making a major purchase. It should also be a major decision.
The responsibility of processing what you learn is on your shoulders. Along with that, is the decision of WHAT TO LEARN. Yes, this is true. Many instructors out there will disagree with me on this one. Most of them feel that their way is the only way. I’m here to let you know that you do not have to buy into any of that propaganda. You DO have a choice.
How is it possible that there are so many brilliant pool instructors out there that each subscribe to their own philosophies and concepts on this game? They are each just as successful and just as well-respected. Some may share a kicking and banking system; some may share mechanical views; and some may not agree at all. However, there is one thing that they will all agree upon. That is, their way is the best way. Right? Otherwise, why did they get into this business? Or, better yet, why wouldn’t they be teaching it the other way.
My point is that you can not leave it up to the professionals (the consumer reports) to determine what you should know (or, what you should be driving). By reading books and columns by various writers, you’re doing the research for yourself. By taking lessons from more than one instructor, you’re test driving your options. Lastly, by taking with you the things that work best for you from each one of those instructors, you’re designing a game that is built for YOU.
Ask any pro who they learned this game from and I guarantee that you will never hear just one name. Do not be fooled into believing that any one instructor’s way is the only way. The best instructors will agree with that. Of course, you will find one instructor betters another. I spent two years working exclusively with one mentor and learned more than I could possibly imagine about this game. That does not mean that I forgot anything that I learned prior to that. I still take lessons today from various instructors and take with me a little bit from everyone. Discover for yourself what works for you and never stop searching for more knowledge.
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