Wait for it... Finding Your "SET"
By far, the single most valuable pool tip I ever received was incorporating the "PAUSE" in my backstroke. In the spring of 2003, I attended the Cue-Tech Pool School in Dallas, Texas. It was there that I learned the "SET, PAUSE, FINISH, & FREEZE" mechanics of my stroke. Having the pause in my backstroke has saved my butt on so many occasions.
While in a pressure situation, the first thing to break down is your mechanics. Having solid fundamentals to rely on is the first step to consistency. I can recall many pressure, game-winning situations where I was so nervous my knees were quivering. Although I knew my body was trembling and my heart was pounding, I trusted my stroke and just let it take over.
The "SET, PAUSE, FINISH, & FREEZE" refers to the series of motions just prior to shooting a shot. As you address the cue ball and get down for your shot, you may prepare to shoot it by stroking your cue several times upto the cue ball (also referred to as "warm-up strokes"). Just prior to striking the cue ball (what I like to call "pulling the trigger") pause for a moment and allow your eyes to really focus on that contact point on the object ball. This step here is called the "SET."
How long you SET before pulling the trigger is entirely up to you. The SET allows your eyes to focus on the contact point in which you are aiming, avoids prematurely stroking the cue ball before you're ready, and allows your mind and body to separate the warm-up strokes from the actual stroke.
Many players naturally have a SET in their routine. If you do not, I highly recommend you experiment with this. You will be amazed at how much just incorporating an extra second into your shot can help increase the accuracy of your aiming and the consistency of your shot-making.
Develop a pronounced SET and do not shoot the ball until you are completely comfortable and ready to fire.
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